Alerti Reputation

Monitor, measure, protect and improve your online reputation

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Monitor social networks, review sites and the web in general

Centralize reviews and mentions within a single interface and access all the information you need in one place and in real time. Easily filter reviews and mentions by source, period, ranking, sentiment. Be alerted when negative reviews are posted about you.

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Get detailed insights to measure your reputation

Monitor your Reputation Score and the number of positive and negative reviews posted about your business. Know the distribution by source and ranking. Go further by analyzing the topics of conversation of your customers and their sentiment and detect the emerging positive and negative trends.

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Leverage artificial intelligence to understand your customers

Our machine learning technology analyzes the reviews posted about your business to extract the topics of conversation of your customers and their sentiment. See at a glance your key strengths and weaknesses and the positive and negative trends emerging. You have the right information to know which measure to take to be able to exceed your customers’ expectations, improve your rankings on review sites and increase your revenue.

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Improve your customer service

Share your alerts, work as a team, manage your coworkers' permissions. Assign tasks to your collaborators and follow the progress made. Respond to posts, comments, reviews directly from your alerti account and keep track of who did what. Improve operational processes and your customers’ satisfaction.

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